Employee Loan

financing your desires.

If you are a government employee and would like to invest in things that you care about, you are at the right place. We initiated the government employee loan scheme in 1997 and has been one of our most successful ventures over the years.

For borrowers availing Employee Loan in Thimphu, kindly visit our Extension Office at Motithang.

Interest Rate

interest rates of your choice.

We offer a floating and a fixed rate so that you can choose.


Fixed Rate


Floating Rate

if you are applying for employee loan, you should know.

For Government Employees, Armed Forces, Government Corporations, Listed Companies, NGOs, International Organizations, and Monastic Body

Nu. 50,000

Maximum Loan Amount

Guarantor required

Nu. 300,000

Maximum Loan Amount

Guarantor required

Nu. 500,000

Maximum Loan Amount

Guarantor not required

For employees of Private Companies (Not Listed)

Nu. 100,000

Maximum Loan Amount

Guarantor required

Nu. 300,000

Maximum Loan Amount

Guarantor required

Nu. 500,000

Maximum Loan Amount

Guarantor required

For Contract Employees (Management Level)

Nu. 500,000

Maximum Loan Amount

Guarantor required

Installment Deduction

For government employees & armed forces with e-PEMS facility, installment shall be deposited by the individual borrowers to the loan account or savings account.

For Private companies, installment deductions shall be done at source by the respective agencies/employers.

Maximum Tenor

5 Years

Maximum Tenor

Guarantor Requirement

  • Must be an employee of a government, corporation, NGO or international organization with minimum 5years of service OR
  • Proprietor of the private company/ seniors with minimum5 years of service in the same company.
  • Proprietor can guarantee for more than one person.
  • Employee of a private company may guarantee but he/she must not have guaranteed for any other salary-based loans from any organization.
  • Guarantors must be a PF member (not applicable for proprietors).


eligible borrowers

Employees of Government, Armed Forces, Corporations, International Organizations, NGOS, Private Companies, Monastic Body with Regular Pay


for employee loan.

  • Loan application form duly filled by the applicant
  • Copy of CID of the applicant
  • Undertaking Form

  • Two Photographs (Latest)
  • Latest pay slip authenticated by Finance

  • Copy of initial appointment order

  • Copy of Promotion letter to the current